Additional Equipment to Consider When an HVAC Company in Hoffman Estates Will Install a New Furnace

by | Jul 7, 2020 | Heating and Air Conditioning

An HVAC Company in Hoffman Estates installs and services furnaces and central air conditioning systems. When it’s time to buy a new furnace and there is no central air unit yet, homeowners can save money by having both installed at the same time instead of scheduling the projects separately. This combination project may be out of reach in the budget set aside for a new furnace alone, but many contractors offer financing through a third party organization. Credit scores generally do not have to be exceptional to qualify for this type of program. Certain manufacturers offer financing as well, but people may not want to choose equipment based solely on that factor.

When scheduling installation work by an HVAC Company in Hoffman Estates, it’s a good time to consider accessories for the system as well. An electronic air cleaner, for instance, is useful for people dealing with allergens that can be transported around the house through ducts and registers. A compartment for a high-end air filter can be installed; these filters are superb at catching a substantial amount of tiny particulates that a standard filter cannot. The filters cost more but usually only need to be changed once or twice a year. A technician from a company such as Blue Frost Heating & Cooling can change the filter during the annual inspection and maintenance appointment.

A whole-house dehumidifier will be useful during the summer in this part of Illinois. Central air does reduce the humidity to a certain extent, but a dehumidifier will make the home noticeably more comfortable. In contrast, a whole-house humidifier keeps static electricity to a minimum in the winter when the furnace runs much of the time. Although winters are not exceptionally harsh, area residents expect temperatures to drop into the 30s and 40s.

Technicians typically prefer to install a new thermostat if the existing one is an old-fashioned analog model. Digital thermostats help people be more precise about temperature settings, and those old thermostats may have been in place 30 or more years. They will not last forever. Programmable models are useful if the home’s residents stick to a relatively consistent schedule, such as keeping the same work schedule five days per week.

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