The Signs That Heating Repair in Austin TX is Needed: What to Watch For

by | Dec 13, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

If the heater suddenly stops functioning during the coldest months of the year, it can be a true disaster. Fortunately, this can usually be avoided by paying close attention to the early signs of heater trouble. If any of the following signs are observed, contact a company that provides quality Heating Repair in Austin TX as quickly as possible.

A Higher Electric Bill

If the electric bill is rising rapidly, but the usage hasn’t changed significantly, a faulty heater may be the reason. While the electric company may increase costs, this usually occurs gradually over a period of months or even years. A sudden jump in the bill means that something new is going on — and it needs to be investigated by a heating repair expert quickly.

The Home Isn’t Heated Evenly

Does the heater work well in certain areas, but other areas seem to be practically freezing inside the home? This could happen due to ductwork problems. It can occur more often in older houses with their original heating systems still installed but can happen in any home. These airflow issues can often be resolved quite easily, and sometimes it’s not even a costly fix.

The Thermostat Has to Be Set Higher and Higher

When the thermostat has to be moved up higher just to get the same level of warmth inside the home, there is usually some type of problem with the heater’s efficiency. This problem can develop slowly over time until one day the thermostat is set to a ridiculously high level just to get the home warm. As soon as that thermostat begins its upward creep, contact a heating repair expert for guidance.

Clinking, Clanking, Banging, and Other Strange Noises

Noises like clinking, clanging, and banging are indicators that something has gone seriously wrong with the heating system. The sooner that these problems are investigated, the better. Turn the heating system off if strange noises occur to avoid making the damage worse until a heating repair expert can help.

Think that Heating Repair in Austin TX is on the horizon? The experts at J & S Air Inc. are happy to help. Contact them anytime for courteous and prompt assistance.

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